1. Why did the idea of creating Gruber and specializing in chests and safes arise?
The idea of creating GRUBER arose due to a need in the Spanish market that was detected at the beginning of the 20th century by Matths Gruber, a German entrepreneur who had already developed his first industrial initiatives in the United States, before settling in Spain.
Matths made the decision to create a company specialized in security products in 1908 due to the lack of manufacturers in Spain at that time. Thanks to the good workmanship and quality that has distinguished GRUBER products since its inception, the company quickly became a leader in the safes market. Such was the success of our products, that in 1920 King Alfonso XIII granted Arcas Gruber, S.A. the distinction of official supplier of safes to the Spanish Royal House.
2. Being an unusual business, isn’t it scary to launch into a project like this?
It is true that the safes sector is an unusual business, but since our beginnings we have not set limits on innovation, manufacturing not only safes but offering a wide range of security products and trying to satisfy all the needs and demands of our customers.
We are currently one of the leading companies in the security sector, both for our safes and our security products.
Thanks to our commitment to innovation, our technology and the highly qualified personnel we have, we have been able to remain in the sector for more than 100 years, earning the trust of our customers with our quality and service.
3. What has changed from 100 years ago when you set up the company to today? What changes have you noticed?
Since our beginnings we have been experiencing an impressive organizational and technological transformation. Our products have been evolving to adapt to new market trends and the demands of our customers.
GRUBER has the latest technologies and the best materials on the market to manufacture our products, which allows us to offer the best quality, most resistant and durable products.
The most recent innovations within the security sector are linked to the technological evolution that society in general has experienced. Our products increasingly incorporate more electronic components. New technologies not only make security systems more efficient, but also make their use easier for the user, allowing, for example, remote control that was unthinkable years ago.
4. What do you think is the secret of Gruber’s success in remaining in the market for a century?
GRUBER has the latest technologies, the best materials on the market and highly qualified personnel to manufacture its products. In addition to offering products of the best quality, we offer a personalized advisory service for each of our clients as well as after-sales service.
Ultimately, the secret of our success lies in the quality of our products and our commitment to the customer. Thanks to our long history in the development of security products, we can satisfy the requirements of our customers, complying with the quality regulations required within of the sector.
5. Does one get rich selling safes? It would be perfect if we could accompany the text with billing information, for example.
Today the market demands more complete security solutions, ranging from the installation of small safes to maximum security doors with digital access controls. It is a booming sector, a market that has many possibilities, that is growing a lot and in which not many have dared to compete.
We cannot say that one gets rich selling safes, but Arcas Gruber, S.A. Yes, it can boast of having been doing it for more than 100 years, becoming a benchmark in our country.
Our goal is to continue growing, adapting to new market demands, and trying to remain in the market for at least another 100 years.
6. Tell me a little about the history of the company: who founded it, who is now in charge…
ARCAS GRUBER, S.A. manufacturers of safes, was founded in 1908 by the German industrialist D. Matths Gruber, who was a renowned technician in the manufacture of all kinds of security products.
We are currently the 4th generation of family members in charge of his legacy. The three preceding generations have built a company with a very personal culture, maintaining the legacy of Matths Gruber at the top of the security sector in Spain.
Now the responsibility of maintaining GRUBER as a reference in security products falls on us, we hope to be able to do it as well as our predecessors.
7. How do you see the future of Gruber? Would you consider a change of direction if demand decreases?
We are very excited about the short and medium term future of our company. Our main goals for the near future are, on the one hand, to increase our activity outside our borders, and on the other, to establish ourselves as a benchmark for security products in our country by increasing our product portfolio.
We currently offer our clients a wide variety of products, we manufacture maximum security safes, hotel safes as well as gun cabinets, security lockers for employees or mailboxes. We have a wide range of items, what we seek is to meet the demands of our customers, which is why we also have a personalized manufacturing service.
8. How do you see the future of Gruber? Would you consider a change of direction if demand decreases?
Without a doubt, if the demand for the products we manufacture were reduced, we would continue to focus on innovation as before, reinventing ourselves until we satisfy the demand of our customers.