As we enter the summer period, we start to worry about whether we are really at risk of burglary in our home, which is why we are going to tell you how to avoid burglary during the holidays.
Increase in robberies since the crisis began
The fateful economic crisis began around 2007, with the famous real estate bubble. This crisis, as well as being one of the most severe in Spain, has led to an increase in burglaries and robberies in homes, shops and businesses.
Since 2007, burglaries and thefts in Spain have increased by more than 70%, reaching a figure of around 2,500 per day. This figure, in turn, only reflects reported robberies and those committed in towns with more than 50,000 inhabitants. Therefore, the estimate of these thefts only reflects 50% of the thefts committed in Spain.
Physical security systems for housing
In order to have adequate protection in a home, business or company, we must distinguish between 2 types of protection.
- Electronic security: These include alarm systems, video recording systems, systems connected to central alarm centers, etc.
- Physical security: These security systems are the only ones that ensure that a burglar cannot gain access to valuables. Physical security includes armored doors, armored doors, panic rooms and safes.
- Electronic security vs. physical security
- Physical security is only intended to scare off the burglar in case he is ready to commit a burglary. Unfortunately, these systems are not very effective when dealing with a specialized burglar, due to the time it takes for the police to act in relation to the burglar’s burglary time.
On the other hand, Physical security guarantees that the thief is prevented from gaining access to valuables and cash inside homes, businesses and companies. Armored and armored doors are the first impediment when it comes to gaining access to the home, although they are the weakest physical security system in the home. Panic rooms are the most complete systems when it comes to protecting people inside the home. Finally, safes are the most complete system against external attacks by specialized burglars.
Safes as the main means of protection against burglary at home
If there is one thing that is clear, it is that safes are the only means of security that guarantees the protection of valuables against external attacks by specialized thieves.
The first security measure we must have inside a home is a high performance safe. How to identify that a safe is a high security safe:
- Safes should never be purchased from non-specialist shops such as hardware stores, DIY shops or non-specialist online shops.
- Where to buy high security safes: There are many manufacturers of safes, but one of the most important at national and European level is Arcas Gruber, whose company has been specializing in physical security products since 1908.< /li>
- High security safes always have 2 locking systems, one operated by key and the other by combination, whether mechanical, digital or biometric.
In which months are burglaries and thefts most common?
The highest number of robberies and thefts in homes, shops and businesses is reflected in the months of January, March and August.
This concentration of burglaries is due to the typical holiday periods in our country, which makes it all the more reason to be proactive when it comes to investing in physical security for our homes.
When do thieves carry out robberies and how long do they take?< /b>
To find out how to avoid home burglaries during the holidays, here are some interesting facts about the days and times when most burglaries are committed in homes:
- The vast majority of burglaries take place from Monday to Friday, which is usually when houses are least protected.
- Seventy per cent of robberies take place during daylight hours, leaving only 30 per cent at night.
- Segregation of burglaries equally between residential, commercial and business burglaries.
- Average time of robberies in Spain: 20 minutes.
- Average police response time in Spain: 20-45 minutes.
- There are some 4 million unprotected dwellings.
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Top 5 tips to protect your home in summer
We show you the main tips on how to avoid home burglaries during the holidays:
- Before going on holiday, pay special attention that your house is not marked.
- Be very careful with social networks. Try to give the thief as few clues as possible when it comes to knowing that your house is unoccupied.
- If you are inside your home, you should never open the door to someone you don’t know. In recent years, violent robberies have increased exponentially.
- You should never leave your house key outside your home.
- All valuables must be protected inside the safe.
In conclusion, we must be cautious and make sure that our home is well protected so that we do not have to regret it when we return from holiday. The best way to start with a proper protection of your home is to acquire the best physical security system so that the thief cannot access your valuables, these systems are safe.