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Differences between approval and certification

The concepts of homologation and certification are closely related to each other, but they have very marked differences. Both verify the security of a specific safe, gun rack or security system, but an approved product is not the same as a certified product. This can cause a lot of confusion among users, but there are differences between homologation and certification that allow both concepts to be understood easily.

Homologation: What is it?

Homologation is the official approval of a product or service, carried out by a legal body or public administration. Testifies that said product or service meets the technical requirements necessary for its commercialization.

To grant this approval, products must comply with a series of mandatory technical regulations, adapted to current regulations. In this way they will be able to market them under a seal of maximum quality and safety.

Some manufacturers and companies, following the processes and meeting the requirements demanded by the regulations, can approve their products and services based on the test reports obtained from qualified laboratories, which is why they carry out a self-certification.  

Certification: What is it?

The certification attests that a product or service meets certain specific requirements of current regulations. Therefore, certifies the approval of said product or service.

The characteristic of this certification is that it can only be issued by Certification Entities, which are official bodies whose function is to evaluate conformity and certify compliance with the regulations required for each security system. These entities are, in turn, evaluated by the ENAC (National Accreditation Entity) in order to provide of a recognition of its capacity to perform its function as a conformity assessment entity. The most recognized in Spain is AENOR (Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification) which, in addition to developing technical standards, also certifies them. 

Certification is granted when security products and systems pass a series of tests in which their vulnerability and resistance are tested. During these tests, different physical and technical tests are carried out on the weakest points of the structure to try to break its security. If manufacturers are interested in obtaining certification, they must make the required corrections depending on the results until the tests are passed.

The entity in charge of the tests must have the competence and the reliability necessary to carry out these checks. Likewise, you must be impartial with the results when issuing this certification.

Approval and certification of safes

In Spain it is important that safes have an official certification. Although approved safes guarantee an optimal level of security, the certification of these safes by official organizations gives them greater validity and guarantees compared to those They are simply approved by the manufacturer. When requesting certification, two regulations can be distinguished: EN 11450 and UNE-EN 1143-1:2012.

Approved safes that have the certification corresponding to the European standard EN 11450 represent the highest degrees of home security and are divided into two groups:

  • Level S1: Indicated for those who require a light safe with a high degree of home protection. They are the boxes most required by European insurance companies for homes, along with Level S2.
  • Level S2: Identical in use to the previous ones with the exception that they offer higher home security than approved Level S1 safes.

For their part, approved safes that are governed by the regulations UNE-EN 1143-1:2012 are divided into the following levels:

  • Grade I: Intended for the storage and custody of long weapons and ammunition for private use.
  • Grade II: Appropriate for companies and homes that need to safeguard their documents and valuable objects in certified high security boxes.
  • Grade III: Indicated for the custody of short firearms belonging to the F license in the private sector and as gunsmiths for both long and short weapons in security companies. security.
  • Grade IV: Appropriate for companies and individuals who want to have a maximum degree of security for the custody of assets. Recommended for businesses such as jewelry stores, lottery administrations, gas stations and similar establishments.
  • Grade V: Ideal for companies seeking to protect their valuables in safes with one of the highest levels of certification.

Safes approved by Arcas Gruber

At Arcas Gruber we have specialized in the manufacture of all types of approved and certified safes. We have safes approved from Grade 1 to Grade 9 according to the rigorous European regulations UNE EN 1143-1.

With a professional career of more than 110 years in the physical security sector and an innovative R&D&I department, we have been able to develop the safest and lightest safes on the European market.

At Arcas Gruber and thanks to our technical department, we have managed to be the benchmark in approved safes of grade 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 according to European Regulation UNE EN 1143-1.

Our clients trust us for the custody and deposit of short and long weapons, for the safekeeping of money and valuables in gas stations and service stations, jewelry stores, banks, auction houses, antique stores, lotteries, auction houses. betting, casinos, bingos, tobacconists and for the safekeeping of securities in homes.

The approved and certified safes meet the strictest requirements according to European regulations. The different certifications express the resistance of the safe against certain attacks.