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How to protect my correspondence and valuables?

One ​​of the points that we must take into account when thinking about the security of our business is undoubtedly the correspondence, as we usually receive information about our bank accounts and sometimes even information about our business and customers, but how to protect my correspondence and valuables from the moment they arrive at my address? If this question has ever crossed your mind, here is the answer: Security Suitcases. 

Why use a safe?

A safe allows you to offer many advantages in terms of protecting your most precious possessions and of course your most important documents, as it keeps them safe, not only from theft, which is undoubtedly one of the most popular reasons for buying a safe, but also from fire or flood, offering you protection against any unfortunate accidents and preventing these incidents from catching you unawares and saving you money and time.

What is a Security Bag?

The security cases are high-strength steel containers, designed to protect money, valuables and above all letters with their anti-extraction and anti-display systems. 

This type of case is ideal for businesses that may receive sensitive information about their operation or their customers by this means, as it will keep the mail or valuables you receive safe from both external and internal attacks, until you can remove them from the secured box. 

Most of the security suitcases are fitted with Gorjas locks to ensure that they are protected against any kind of external tampering with the suitcase.

What is a Gorjas lock?

Many of you are probably wondering what is so special about this type of lock, and the fact is that this type of lock is ideal for guaranteeing protection against burglary attempts, so much so that at some point they were the locks of choice for high-end armored doors and approved armory lockers. 

How do they differ from traditional locks? This type of lock does not have a cylinder like the rest, but has only one slot into which a thin key will fit, with two sides with the corresponding jumps with the lock, which when turning the key, will be turned to the lock.

will cause a series of die-cut plates to be aligned, displacing the system of bolts and pins distributed along the entire length of the lock frame, thus opening the door. 

The use of this type of lock on security suitcases is ideal, as it is less vulnerable than electronic or mechanical locks and by relying only on the key, it ensures that only one person You have access to the inside of the suitcase. 

Would you like to know more about the different types of locks on safe deposit boxes? Click here.

Is it advisable to buy a safety case?

The use of these devices is mainly recommended for businesses such as jewelry shops, banks, country houses and other businesses that receive correspondence that could compromise the security of the business itself or its customers .

Do you need any specific installation?

Usually, security cases are of small dimensions, it is possible that paying for an installation service may not be considered necessary, however, we recommend making use of this type of service, as it will help you find the ideal place to place your security case, guaranteeing its optimal functioning. Do you think you need a security case? Or would you like to receive more information on this subject? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

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