When buying a gunsmith, surely some questions arise, such as, what is a gunsmith and which one is ideal for me, which one is the safest, what are the current regulations about them, do I need an approved gunsmith, we are here to help you, that’s why we share some tips that will surely be of help.
What is a gunsmith?
Before we start with the current advice and regulations, do you know exactly what a gun cabinet is? An armorer is a high-security enclosure that has the primary purpose of safely storing firearms and ammunition. These security systems must comply with the regulations required by European bodies to protect firearms from theft or misuse.
What types of weapons categories exist?
When choosing a gunsmith, it is important to know the different classes of weapons, according to Spanish legislation:
- Category 1: small arms, such as pistols and revolvers.
- 2nd category:
○ 2.1 long firearms for surveillance and guarding.
○ 2.2 rifled long firearms for big game hunting, hunting shotguns chambered for metallic cartridges, provided they do not qualify as weapons of war.
- 3rd category:
○ 3.1 rifled long firearms for sport shooting, 5.6 millimeter (22 American) caliber, rimfire, single shot, repeating or semi-automatic.
○ 3.2 shotguns and smooth-bore, rifled-barrelled, rifled-barrelled long firearms with hunting rifle barrels, weapons not included as weapons of war.
○ 3.3 weapons powered by air or other compressed gases.
- 4th category:
○ 4.1 carbines and pistols, semi-automatic and repeating, double-action revolvers, operated by air or other compressed gases.
○ 4.2 Carbines and pistols, smooth bore or rifled and single shot, single action revolvers and air or other compressed gas operated.
What type of gunsmith do I need?
The type of armor we need will depend on the type of weapon we want to store inside it. The law determines which type of weapons must be kept in which type of armorer, dividing them as follows:
Homologated Armorer
This type of gun racks are governed by the European standard UNE EN 1143-1. They are the most common and most demanded, especially by hunters and shooters.
They can be grade 1, which are used to store hunting rifles, or grade 3, which are used to store small arms, in both cases it is mandatory that they are anchored to the wall and that they have approved locks, either key or electronic. If you want to know which type of key is best for you, click here.
They are used to store weapons that are not required to be stored in an approved armory, according to current legislation. Such as hunting shotguns, short or long guns.
What should I consider when buying a gunsmith?
- When purchasing a gunsmith, it is important to check that the gunsmith is properly approved and certified.
- When considering the installation it is recommended to take into account the anchoring, this should be to the floor and not to the wall, giving greater resistance to the anchoring, for this an installation certification is required.
- The armor must be installed at the address where the weapons are registered, not at the usual residence of the holder.
- When purchasing an armorer, the purchase invoice and the homologation certificate must be presented to the Guardia Civil, where the year of manufacture, number of weapons and details of the owner can be verified.
It is also necessary to take into account the required capacity. It is recommended that the gun rack has a greater capacity than the number of weapons we have, for ease of use.
We hope we have helped you with this information, if you would like to know more about this type of safe deposit boxes and their regulations, you can also click here or contact us.