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Regulations for gunsmiths (long and short weapons) according to UNE 1143-1

Gun Safes CF380-3

Know the regulations for long and short weapons gunsmiths UNE EN 1143-1

Regulations for long and short weapons gunsmiths UNE EN 1143-1 – Resolution of November 26, 1998, of the General Directorate of the Civil Guard, which determines the minimum security measures that must be gather safes and cabinets or gun racks to store weapons in private homes (BOE no. 291, of 5, 1998) The publication in the “Official State Gazette” number 96, of April 22, 1998, of the UNE standard EN 1143-1 on security measures in safes, doors and vaults, has led to the cancellation, among others, of the Spanish UNE standards. 108-110-87 and UNE 108-112-87, which were taken as a reference to establish the technical characteristics that, in relation to security, safes must meet to store weapons and essential parts thereof in private homes.

In order to update the determination of the technical characteristics that, in relation to security, safes and cabinets or gunsmiths authorized to store weapons in private homes must meet, to comply with the provisions of the Weapons Regulation, this General Directorate has ordered:

Gunsmiths for long weapons – Grade 1 safes

The Grade 1 safes or Gunsmiths for long weapons referred to in article 100.5.a) of the Weapons Regulations , approved by Real Decree 137/1993, of January 29, to store rifled long firearms and barrels included in category 2. to 2, in private homes, they must meet, at least, the class I security level established in the table 1 of the UNE EN 1143-1 standard, or the security grade A established in point 5.1.2 of UNE 108-110-87.

Gunsmiths for short weapons – Grade 3 safes

The Short weapon gunsmiths or Grade 3 safes referred to in article 133.2.b) of the aforementioned Weapons Regulations for save the Closures or essential parts of weapons covered by license F, in private homes, must meet, at least, security grade 3 as established in table 1 of the standard UNE EN 1143-1, or the security grade C established in point 5.1.2 of UNE 108-110-87.

The security degrees specified in the first and second sections above must be accredited by certification issued by an entity authorized for this purpose by the Ministry of Industry and Energy.

The security grades A and C established in point 5.1.2 of the UNE 108-110-87 standard determined the ability to pass the corresponding tests with the E-1 tool kits (keys and lockpicks, tweezers, punches, picks, tongs, mallets, levers, tools, manual rippers and chisels) in a time of fifteen minutes and the E-2 equipment (wrenches and lock picks, tweezers, punches, picks, pliers, mallets, levers, manual ripping tools and chisels, percussion hammer and portable drill) in a time of thirty minutes respectively.

Safes approved in security grades 1 and Grade 3 established in table 1 of the standard UNE EN 1143-1, determine the ability to pass the corresponding tests of 30 resistance units (RU : Theft resistance resulting from one minute of use of a tool with coefficient 1 and base value 0), for partial access and 50 RU for total access and 80 RU for partial access and 120 RU for full access, respectively.

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