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Do I need a safe for my important documents?

caja fuerte ignifuga para documentos

With the advent of digital technologies, it is becoming less and less common to have  physical documents, the most common is to have them on a USB stick or directly on the  computer, however, there are documents, whether personal such as a birth certificate or  passport, or professional such as contracts or any legal document, which are usually the  most important ones, and it is worth having them protected at all times. 

So we ask you, do you have all your documents protected? Here we will tell you all the  details about the best way to protect them. Why use a safe? 

A safe allows you to offer many advantages in terms of protecting your most precious  possessions and of course your most important documents, as it keeps them safe, not only  from theft, which is undoubtedly one of the most popular reasons for buying a safe, but also  from fire or flood, offering you protection against any unfortunate accidents and preventing  these incidents from catching you unawares and saving you money and time. 

In order to choose the best safe for your needs, you should know all the models of safes that  exist.

How do I choose the right safe for me?

We know there are a lot of options when it comes to choosing a safe, and you want to make  sure you choose the best option, but here’s what you need to consider:


How big does my safe have to be? This will depend entirely on what you want to store  inside. We recommend that before you buy a safe, you make sure that it is the ideal size to  store everything you need to keep safe, if it is just documents, the size is usually rather small  for domestic use and will increase for business use.

Fire resistance

Did you know that in Spain there is a fire approximately every 49 minutes? That is why  investing in a fireproof safe is undoubtedly the best decision, especially when it comes to  storing documents. This type of safe is designed to protect documents and all kinds of  valuables from large-scale fires.

These models are usually classified according to the temperature they reach inside in case  of fire and the time that elapses before this temperature rises, taking into account that a fire  can reach a temperature of 3,000ªC. 

The endurance of a fireproof document box is typically from 30 minutes up to 120 minutes,  with 30 minutes being the most common for domestic use.


We must not lose sight of the fact that one of our main objectives when buying a safe is to  protect our goods from theft or loss, so taking into account the level of security is very  important. We recommend that you choose safes that have the European UNE EN 1143-1  certification, so you can be sure that your safe complies with the regulations against attacks.

Lock types

There are different types of locks and each one offers different advantages, so this aspect  will depend entirely on your needs and preferences. If you want to know more about the  benefits of each type of lock, click here.


Usually, fireproof safes are easy to install, as most of them are flush-mounted and do not  require anchoring or embedding. However, the location of the safe is very important, so we  recommend choosing a place where exposure to both burglary and flames is as minimal as  possible. Now you know the details about the ideal protection for your documents and  important information, if you would like to know more details about fireproof safes, please do  not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you.

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